Libyan Desert Glass – LDG02-E3

This is a select lot of Libyan Desert Glass, what you see in the photograph is what you will receive.

Weight: 8.61 g

Size: Approx 3 x 2 cm

Libyan Desert Glass is the stone of awareness, transformation, and growth. Frequently used during mediation to aid in astral travel, we’re now coming to understand how this stone prepares us for and enables us to receive wisdom from other realms. The stone has a rich history, but lived in the shadow of moldavite for too long – it’s time for LDG to step into the spotlight. Arguably more nuanced than moldavite, LDG is accessible, approachable, and a stone anyone can work with and wear from day one. It’s a worthy side kick, there to enhance, refine, and resonate with your personal will and agency. Taking first steps on your personal journey is made easier with LDG – you’re in control, you’re stable, yet flexible and open to change. It’s an energetic and playful stone, and while its helpful to encourage us to be more social and network savvy, that sense of control remains – you define your boundaries, you honour yourself, and you choose your own adventure. 

Stick with us here while we nerd out – amidst the sandy landscape of the Great Sand Sea Desert in Libya and Egypt, small pieces of very distinctive yellow glass lie strewn across the surface. Much speculation and mystery surrounds this strange geologic phenomenon. A 1966 study aged the pieces to 29 million years old; twice the age of moldavite, and older than the sandy source material in which it lies. TEM analysis shows the glass is largely silica based, but notably contains various types of zirconium oxide, indicating both extreme temperatures and extreme pressures were involved in the formation of this glassy material. This suggests one of two things – an atomic bomb or a meteorite impact. Given Archeologists discovered a beautiful piece of jewellery in Tutankhamun’s tomb containing a piece of Libyan Desert Glass, we can assume with certainty that this glass, like its sister moldavite, was formed through a meteoric event. Studies on this stone are ongoing, each one adding a small piece to the puzzle that helps us to better understand the origin of this amazing little stone.
